When is the next full moon? -> Lunar Calendar 2024

FULL MOON in Latin: Plenilunium
Full Moon - lunar phase, in which the Earth is visible with all its illuminated side. At the time of the full moon the Moon is in opposition with the Sun (the difference between the ecliptic longitudes of the Sun and Moon is 180 degrees), so in a full moon the Sun, Earth, Moon are approximately on the same line
and the Moon is visible almost all night

Does the Full Moon Affect Your Sleep?
What's Happening at the Full Moon?
It is very important!
About the Full Moon
Full Moons: What's in a Name?
The World's Time Standard (UTC)
NEXT FULL MOON 2024   Lunar Calendar

Full Moon Dates and Times (UT/UTC/GMT):

January 25,
5:54 PM UTC
February 24,
12:30 PM UTC
March 25,
7:00 AM UTC
April 23,
11:49 PM UTC
May 23,
1:53 PM UTC
June 22,
1:08 AM
July 21,
10:17 AM UTC
August 19,
6:26 PM UTC
September 18,
2:34 AM
October 17,
11:26 PM UTC
November 15,
9:28 PM UTC
December 15,
9:02 AM UTC
Blue Moon, second full moon in month
A blue moon is an extra full moon that appears in a subdivision of a year, either the third of four full moons in a season or, recently, a second full moon in a month of the common calendar. Metaphorically, a "blue moon" is a rare event, as in the expression "once in a blue moon". The phrase has nothing to do with the actual color of the moon, although a literal "blue moon" (the moon appearing with a tinge of blue) may occur in certain atmospheric conditions; e.g., when there are volcanic eruptions or when exceptionally large fires leave particles in the atmosphere.

Be careful during the Full Moon!
Do not let the full moon to fool yourself: imbalance, the storm inside pushes you to rash, unmotivated actions - this is a temporary phenomenon. Do not complain to life, do not scold yourself, do not despair, the lunar disk will begin to decline - and let it be. The meantime help yourself cope with unbridled energy: try these days to speak calmly, do not raise your voice, do not be annoyed by trifles, do not swear, do not fuss, put all cases requiring nerve costs, stress, hurry, well sit on a diet, do monotonous business.

Full moon this time insomnia, inflow of forces, the excess energy and the restlessness. At this time, you can do all that was not strong enough before. But do not figure out conflicting emotional relationships and take on parenting strong-willed. Frequent accidents on the roads as a result of increased emotional drivers. Can floods, accidents and breakdowns of water supply and sanitation. Under the influence of alcohol committed random acts with serious consequences. Morbid sensations exercise utmost. Disease symptoms clearly expressed, and surgical operations are dangerous because of the bleeding.

Many people get married during a full moon, but it is also a time of divorces and separations.

Full moon - is a great time to advertise and contact with the public. It's time to publicize the issues that need to be frank, but any illegal activity will attract attention.

  About the Full Moon
After the first quarter phase Moon continues to "grow", and there comes a time when it is fully illuminated. This phase is called the full moon of the lunar month. In the full moon lunar principle in nature as much as possible is bright, full of energy. With the full moon is the theme of energy fullness, richness, the highest point of the development process. Those areas that are managed by the Moon, imbued with sunlight, and they vigorously bubbling with life. Saturated with energy in the atmosphere of the masses, the level of emotion reaches the upper limit, the subconscious is activated, and this makes the full moon grace period for poets, artists and creative people in general: their souls are born at this time of the most vivid and emotional images.
But at the same time for those who are prone to overstimulation, whose psyche is unstable, the full moon may be difficult, the crisis period. Our minds at this time so active that it is difficult to fall asleep, so the full moon can create additional difficulties for people suffering from insomnia.

All physiological processes in the body, as well as the pressure of the fluid reaches the upper limit of saturation on what to look for people who suffer from high blood pressure or redundant functions of any organs and body systems. A variety of aspects of life reach its peak during the full moon, and micro-organisms "bloom riotous color." A stain even in a small wound, at the full moon can easily lead to inflammation.
At full moon the Moon maximally freed from the influence of the sun, fully lit and independence. When it reaches the maximum value are 'born', a symbolic deliverance from the burden. On this very day often born the idea, the relationship becomes clear, the first half of the lunar month brings results. Often occurs a turn in affairs, they take a new direction. Birth always associated with the crisis. A person feels emotional stress. In mentally unbalanced and sick people raise concerns. Folk wisdom does not recommend sleeping under direct beams of the full moon and go bareheaded in the street.

Traditionally, the full moon night - the time werewolves, mad and poets. However, it was the full moon of the Buddha attained enlightenment. When used properly, the energy of the full moon, you can achieve the objective attitude to the world, to gain wisdom, and love. Full moon - the time of disclosure of all lunar abilities. At this time, the Moon is associated not only with the house, the birth, growth, children and plants, but also the greatest poetry, intuition, completeness feelings. For the full moon characterized excessive frankness and emotional outbursts. People are the most sociable and open to interaction, everyone is trying to stand out. It offers a well-lit and fully disclosed information. This time, understanding and implementation effort, it can be the completion of a certain epoch or relationships. During the full moon of any kind opportunities are available - take on new commitments, unite with partners. Throw a party or dinner. Make an appointment with the doctor, since at this time the easiest to identify difficult to diagnose the disease. Go in search of missing friends or relatives.

Full moon - it's time to transition from the accumulation of the active forces of their spending. At full moon unspent energy escapes to the outside, it becomes unmanageable. Many people in a full moon begins insomnia - the excess stored energy does not sleep. At the time of the full moon is very easy to lose control. In the days of the full moon aggravated nerve disorders, lunatics wandering in a dream, the number of accidents increases. People are annoyed, quarrels, scandals, for no apparent reason.
Full moon - traumatic period. At this time, the case of frequent poisoning, aggravated sexual sensitivity, loss of energy from men to women (the vampire). At full moon the effect of drugs expressed maximum - the 100 per cent uptake of medicines, drugs, alcohol, more pronounced their side effects. With the full moon is recommended to do less energy loss, undesirable dancing and jumping. Very carefully take medications.
It is advisable to refuse to conduct surgery. Surgical operations on the full moon accompanied by significant blood loss. Infectious diseases of bacterial origin begin in the morning, the full moon. Festivals and weddings are undesirable.


From the book "On the Moon, day after day"

While driving around the Earth (one turn is carried in about 28 days) the moon is constantly turned to one side of us, that is, it does not rotate around its axis. If the Moon is behind the Earth, the Sun, Earth and Moon are on the same line, and half moon turned towards us, all illuminated by the sun. Within a short time on the Earth there is a full moon. In the calendar full moon depicted as white circle.
If the Earth is very precisely between the Sun and the Moon, the shadow of our planet covers half of the lunar surface. In clear weather on the night side of the Earth can be observed for quite a long "total lunar eclipse" if placed exactly in its shadow.
In the short span of the full moon and people and, animals, and plants feel a special power, and lunar pulses are perceived more clearly in the transition from new moon to waning than the new moon during the transition from the waning moon in the young.At full moon felt almost the same effect as when the young moon, but only stronger. Sleepwalkers start walking in a dream, the wounds bleed more than usual, collected herbs are very useful, clipped trees can die in police noted an increase in the number of attacks and accidents, there are many midwives work.
Very useful one-day post in a full moon, because on this day the body takes everything very active - including numerous artificial additives, which are so much in our food. In tissues that day will accumulate water, connective tissue softens. Postoperative recovery process on this day is very bad: the wounds begin to bleed more. At full moon often floods.
J. Paungger, T. Poppe


What's Happening at the Full Moon?
By Molly Hall, Astrology Expert

What's unique about the full Moon time?
Many people feel the energetic buzz of the Full Moon. What's cool to note, is that it always means the Sun and Moon are in opposite Zodiac signs. It's a super charged time, but also one of balance. The solar yang and the lunar yin are in harmony.
What to do?
The Moon has been waxing (increasing), and if you set new Moon intentions, you're ready to act! In the hum of the jolty energies, there can be epiphanies about things that were vague desires at the new Moon. Make it real, with tangible actions, perhaps a ritual that signifies you're ready to integrate your intent.


What's the point?
Every month, you have a chance to experience a fresh start. The Moon's waxing and waning is like the shortest hand on the cosmic clock. The intentions we set with the Moon can get specific, and match the traits of the sign that month. This is a way to stay attuned to cosmic currents, and go with the flow. It's a constant in a chaotic time, that the Moon waxes and wanes. Each lunation is a chance to set new goals, and feel closer to a bigger mystery.
What's an intention?
This word is used a lot, and is interchangeable with the word goals. Perhaps, though, it suggests an active engagement in what you're co-creating with the universe. Your intent is what you intend to create in your life.
Preparing for the Full Moon
Each full Moon has a different intuitive feel, and any ritual you do could draw on the essence of the sign. As it approaches, you might gather photos, found objects, meaningful totems and place them with your intentions in a prominent place.
Time to Celebrate
The full Moon often casts an exuberant vibe, making it a great time to have a party. This also opens the door for meaningful people to step into your life. But keep in mind that it can be intense, too. There's a reason why more patrolmen are sent out on full Moons! Take time to honor yourself in some way for any steps you took since the new Moon.
The Climax and the "Reveal"
Sometimes full Moons feel like the end of an Act in your ongoing life story. This is true both on the personal and the global scale. It's like in a movie where all the plot points are pulled together, and for a brief moment, you can see the interwoven whole. If you set intentions, the full Moon is a time when you begin to make out the path, and can take an exhilarating step forward. It is both a culmination and a time to act on something you've imagined. In the act of doing, you have brought an idea into reality, and made magic.

  It is very important, what day of the full moon, is obtained - on the 15th or 16th day of the Moon?
If the full moon falls on the 15th day of the Moon, the next two weeks will be agitated and emotionally inflated. And if on the 16th day - on the contrary, there will be peace, tranquility, serenity, spiritual elevation, contentment and balance.
  Diet in a Full Moon

Diet on the full moon 24 hours duration
Diet starts on the eve of the full moon, after dinner, and lasts 24 hours. The menu includes only liquid. You can drink plain water (spring, boiled, mineral), fresh juices, has a diuretic effect, like water. It is better to squeeze the juice from fruits and vegetables, the respective season.
Result: You will lose between 250 g and 1 kg. The main thing - that day will allow you to get rid of the swelling and clean the body.

Diet during the full moon, which lasts 6 days
In the three preceding starvation, and the two subsequent days (six in total, including the day of fasting) a course of therapeutic feeding vegetables. On the first day, eat only raw and cooked vegetables. The next two days, and two days after fasting to eat only pineapple and mushrooms (there should be four times a day). Pineapples have a diuretic effect and prevents the absorption of fats in the intestine. Mushrooms should eat boiled with spices or a small amount of unrefined olive oil (first cold pressed). Mushrooms are low in calories, protein and calories, feed the muscle. Note: this diet should not be continued for more than six days (including the day of fasting) can be limited to three days. For example, the day of raw and cooked vegetables, then a day of fasting and pineapple-day mushroom diet. You can do in just one day - before or after fasting.
Result: effective cleansing and body weight loss of 1-3 kg, depending on the duration of the diet.

Recommendation of the President of the International Federation and the French Society phyto- and aromatherapy practitioner Christian Dyuraffur


Full Moon and Sleepless Nights:
Does the Full Moon Affect Your Sleep?

Full Moon and Sleepless Nights
For many years the Moon has been blamed for everything from madness to increases in crimes and pregnancies. But could I also be responsible for some people not being able to sleep? Is there scientific evidence to support this suspicion?
Researchers from the University of Basel, Switzerland, found evidence of a “lunar influence” during a study with volunteers who slept under laboratory conditions.

The 33 volunteers, who did not know the purpose of the study and could not see the full moon from their beds, experienced the following:
- It took them five more minutes to fall asleep
- They slept 20 minutes less
- They spent 30% less time in deep sleep

Interestingly, the scientists suggested that it was not due to extra light from the Moon since the volunteers were confined to a dark room. The most likely explanation, according to the research published in 2013 in Current Biology, was that they were somehow naturally tuned to the cycles of the Moon.
“The lunar cycle seems to influence human sleep,” said Professor Christian Cajochen, author of the study. “Even when one does not see the Moon and is not aware of the current moon phase.”

What Can We Do if the Full Moon Affects Our Sleep?
In a word, nothing. Dr. Neil Stanley, an expert in sleep in the UK, says that if the effects of the full moon on sleep were due to brightness, then usual solutions, such as eye masks, would help.
However, the 2013 study suggested that it was not about light.

“It’s an academically interesting point, but it’s not particularly useful since you can not stop it from happening, ” says Stanley.
“There will be a full moon every month, whether you like it or not. “
Stanley says that the research generated a stir when it was presented, but still needs to be repeated with a larger group of people and over a longer period to rule out that it was a chance finding.
“Unfortunately there has not been more research in this area since that study,” says Stanley.
He adds that if people report that they have a lower quality of sleep after a full moon night, it could be an example of confirmation bias, that is, people are more likely to notice and remember information that fits their beliefs.
A full Moon draws attention and people relate it to their night of interrupted sleep, while it is less likely to pay attention to a crescent Moon.
“It can only be a self-fulfilling prophecy .”

What Else Is Accused of the Full Moon?
The ancient myths are full of references to the ability of the Moon to go a little crazy or even to become werewolves. It even gave rise to the word ” lunatic “.
There is a lot of anecdotal evidence that there are more accidents, violent incidents, and psychiatric admissions when the Moon is full.
In 2007 the police in Brighton, United Kingdom, came to employ additional officers during the full moon periods after they carried out investigations that revealed that there was an increase in violent incidents during those nights.
“From my experience, for more than 19 years as a police officer, no doubt in the full Moon it seems we see people with a strange kind of behavior: more unruly, with more desire to discuss,” said at the time inspector Andy Parr.
“And I think that’s something that police officers across the country have confirmed for years.”

Another popular belief says that a full Moon encourages women to enter labor. It has also been blamed for the animals biting people, increase suicides and cases are to embolism. But scientists have found little evidence of these and many other effects attributed to the Earth’s natural satellite.

What is the best sleeping posture (position)? Read here:

Schedule of the full moons 2025

Calendar of the Fool Moon 2025

FULL MOON SCHEDULE 2025 - Full Moon Dates and Times (GMT=UT=UTC)
January 13, 2025
February 12, 2025
March 14, 2025
April 13, 2025
May 12, 2025
June 11, 2025
July 10, 2025
August 9, 2025
September 7, 2025
October 7, 2025
November 5, 2025
December 4, 2025

Full Moons: What's in a Name?
For millennia, humans have used the movement of the moon to keep track of the passing year and set schedules for hunting, planting, and harvesting.
Ancient cultures the world over have given these full moons names based on the behavior of the plants, animals, or weather during that month.

January: Wolf Moon
Native Americans and medieval Europeans named January's full moon after the howling of hungry wolves lamenting the midwinter paucity of food. Other names for this month's full moon include old moon and ice moon.
February: Snow Moon
The typically cold, snowy weather of February in North America earned its full moon the name snow moon. Other common names include storm moon and hunger moon.
March: Worm Moon
Native Americans called this last full moon of winter the worm moon after the worm trails that would appear in the newly thawed ground. Other names include chaste moon, death moon, crust moon (a reference to snow that would become crusty as it thawed during the day and froze at night), and sap moon, after the tapping of the maple trees.
April: Pink Moon
Northern Native Americans call April's full moon the pink moon after a species of early blooming wildflower. In other cultures, this moon is called the sprouting grass moon, the egg moon, and the fish moon.
May: Flower Moon
May's abundant blooms give its full moon the name flower moon in many cultures. Other names include the hare moon, the corn planting moon, and the milk moon.
June: Strawberry Moon
In North America, the harvesting of strawberries in June gives that month's full moon its name. Europeans have dubbed it the rose moon, while other cultures named it the hot moon for the beginning of the summer heat.
July: Buck Moon
Male deer, which shed their antlers every year, begin to regrow them in July, hence the Native American name for July's full moon. Other names include thunder moon, for the month's many summer storms, and hay moon, after the July hay harvest.
August: Sturgeon Moon
North American fishing tribes called August's full moon the sturgeon moon since the species was abundant during this month. It's also been called the green corn moon, the grain moon, and the red moon for the reddish hue it often takes on in the summer haze.
September: Harvest Moon
The most familiar named moon, September's harvest moon refers to the time of year after the autumn equinox when crops are gathered. It also refers to the moon's particularly bright appearance and early rise, which lets farmers continue harvesting into the night. Other names include the corn moon and the barley moon.
October: Hunter's Moon
The first moon after the harvest moon is the hunter's moon, so named as the preferred month to hunt summer-fattened deer and fox unable to hide in now bare fields. Like the harvest moon, the hunter's moon is also particularly bright and long in the sky, giving hunters the opportunity to stalk prey at night. Other names include the travel moon and the dying grass moon.
November: Beaver Moon
There is disagreement over the origin of November's beaver moon name. Some say it comes from Native Americans setting beaver traps during this month, while others say the name comes from the heavy activity of beavers building their winter dams. Another name is the frost moon.
December: Cold Moon
The coming of winter earned December's full moon the name cold moon. Other names include the long night moon and the oak moon.
The Blue Moon
Each year, the moon completes its final cycle about 11 days before the Earth finishes its orbit around the sun. These days add up, and every two and a half years or so, there is an extra full moon, called a blue moon. The origin of the term is uncertain, and its precise definition has changed over the years. The term is commonly used today to describe the second full moon of a calendar month, but it was originally the name given to the third full moon of a season containing four full moons.




The Full Moon - at this time the moon represents the Goddess in her Mother aspect, give praise to Cerridwen, Isis or one of the other Mother Goddesses.
The period of the Full Moon lasts from about 3 days before to 3 days after the actual full moon.
"Moon of Celebration"

Location: Moon is 180 - 255 degrees ahead of the Sun.
Span: Fourteen days to seventeen and a half days after the New Moon.
Attributes: Time of the Mother Goddess. Anu, Hera, Isis, Demeter, Freya, Luna, Diana, Spider Woman, Chaos, Frigg, Morrigan, Ta - Urt. Beautiful, radiant MoonMother. LadyMoon.
Positive activities: Very intuitive and productive time. Especially: Fertility; Magic; Dreams; Meditation; love; Matters of the home; Beauty; Money; Creativity; Psychic abilities. A time of heightened feelings. Not a good time for major decisions for they will be colored with emotional debris. Do not seek medical treatment, inoculations, operations are at its least favorable. Wounds bleed more, and the formation of scar tissue is more pronounced.
Goals: Major workings should occur now. This is the climax of the obvious moon power. Relates to the Growing plant as it pierces the ground.
A blue moon is an extra full moon that appears in a subdivision of a year, either the third of four full moons in a season or, recently, a second full moon in a month of the common calendar. Metaphorically, a "blue moon" is a rare event, as in the expression "once in a blue moon". The phrase has nothing to do with the actual color of the moon, although a literal "blue moon" (the moon appearing with a tinge of blue) may occur in certain atmospheric conditions; e.g., when there are volcanic eruptions or when exceptionally large fires leave particles in the atmosphere.


UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) – The World's Time Standard
A Standard, Not a Time Zone

UTC is the basis for civil time today. This 24-hour time standard is kept using highly precise atomic clocks combined with the Earth's rotation. UTC is the time standard commonly used across the world. The world's timing centers have agreed to keep their time scales closely synchronized - or coordinated - therefore the name Coordinated Universal Time.

Atomic and Solar Time
Two components are used to determine UTC: International Atomic Time (TAI): A time scale that combines the output of some 400 highly precise atomic clocks worldwide, and provides the exact speed for our clocks to tick. Universal Time (UT1), also known as astronomical time or solar time, refers to the Earth's rotation. It is used to compare the pace provided by TAI with the actual length of a day on Earth. UT Started in 1884. Universal Time (UT) was created at the Washington Meridian Conference in 1884. This is the basis for the 24-hour time zone system we know today.
At the time, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) was chosen as the world’s time standard. The reference line or starting point, the Prime Meridian, was determined to be the transit circle at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, London. The transit circle is a part of the telescope's mechanics and it is still cited as the Prime Meridian's original reference.
From GMT to UTC
In 1960, the International Radio Consultative Committee formalized the concept of UTC, and it was put into practice the year after. The name Coordinated Universal Time was officially adopted in 1967.
The Difference Between GMT and UTC
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is often interchanged or confused with Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). But GMT is a time zone and UTC is a time standard. Although GMT and UTC share the same current time in practice, there is a basic difference between the two: GMT is a time zone officially used in some European and African countries. The time can be displayed using both the 24-hour format (0 - 24) or the 12-hour format (1 - 12 am/pm). UTC is not a time zone, but a time standard that is the basis for civil time and time zones worldwide. This means that no country or territory officially uses UTC as a local time.
Universal Time (UT) is a time standard based on Earth's rotation. It is a modern continuation of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), i.e., the mean solar time on the Prime Meridian at Greenwich, London, UK. In fact, the expression "Universal Time" is ambiguous (when accuracy of better than a few seconds is required), as there are several versions of it, the most commonly used being Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and UT1 (see below). All of these versions of UT, except for UTC, are based on Earth's rotation relative to distant celestial objects (stars and quasars), but with a scaling factor and other adjustments to make them closer to solar time. UTC is based on International Atomic Time, with leap seconds added to keep it within 0.9 second of UT1.

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